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People don't Quit their job - they Quit their Manager!

People don't Quit their job - they Quit their Manager!

Posted by Courtney Overton-Edwards almost 5 years ago
10 Shocking Stats About Disengaged Employees 4 638

We’ve all heard it said, ‘People don’t leave bad jobs, they leave bad managers!’ So with that in mind, what are the top reasons for people leaving their jobs, and how can you ensure that you hold on to those that you have?

As you know, high turnover causes disruption in business and can leave you short handed, short changed and needing to train someone new.  There are a multitude of reasons people leave their jobs, but here are 7 solid reasons that managers should be aware of – and try to avoid happening.

The Boss! 

Unsurprisingly, as the adage suggests, one of the biggest causes of employee departure is a lack of support from the higher ups. An employee doesn’t need to feel that their boss is their friend, but having a good working relationship greatly improves chances of job satisfaction. Engaging with an employee by providing constructive feedback, making time to check in on progress and ensuring they understand their connection to the business model as a whole can go a long way.

Workplace Stress

A government survey suggests there were over half a million workers in the UK suffering from work related stress or anxiety in 2017/18. One of the biggest causes of workplace stress is the increased pressure with increased financial reward. Though fiscal rewards are going a huge driver for most employees, sometimes mere recognition for hard work can help to reduce the stress felt, a job well done deserves this. No one wants to feel as though they are under appreciated or replaceable, make sure to let your team know you appreciate them!

Feeling bored or unchallenged

Everyone hits lulls at work - you can be doing a job you love, but monotony may still kick in. Ensuring that employees are engaged with the tasks at hand, and are challenged means they are less likely to seek out a different job that fulfils their needs.   


Although it is crucial to maintain a relationship with employees, be careful not to fall into the trap of micromanagement. No one wants someone breathing down their neck at every turn! That being said, no one can force an employee to take initiative, and as a manager all you can do is give your employee the space and opportunities for some workplace autonomy. A valued manager knows how and when to delegate and trusts his/her employees to reach their targets.

No room for growth

Career advancement is important to most employees, and if they are feeling as though there is no room for them to grow and develop new skills, they will seek new opportunities. Of course, there is not always the option to promote, however training and creating working environments that offer new challenges can help to keep employees feeling fulfilled. Everyone needs to feel nurtured.

Work life balance

Employees who are expected to stay late, start early or work in their personal hours are much more likely to feel under pressure, and more likely to seek employment they can leave in the office at the end of the day.  Having a good work/life balance doesn’t necessarily have to mean that you offer the world or allow employees to come and go as they please!  Small things like sufficient breaks, a decent space to get a coffee or a staff outing occasionally can add to work place morale.

Company culture and relationships

Feeling part of a team that respects and values you is important to employees. Often, colleagues are the people you spend most time with across an average week, and ensuring that workers feel that they can engage with their team members and feel they understand where their cog fits is important.

Of course these aren’t the only reasons that people choose to move on and average length of tenure is nowhere near as long as it used to be. Bearing in mind the reasons above will ensure that any manager is doing their best to give people every reason to stay, it makes sense to avoid these pitfalls.

PS – notice we have barely mentioned salaries?  We’ll cover that in our next blog….



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